Tips For Quarantine 2020


How NOT to kill your kids or your spouse during quarantine 2020!

Sharing my love, and some tips to help you through this.

So, I’m no expert, and I’m certainly not a perfect mom. But I do know that this life that most of the world has to adjust to, is not something we are all used to. But for some of us not much has changed, like myself. I’ve worked from home for years now, with two kids under 5, a single mama at that. Everyone is stressed and dealings with feelings of doubt and uncertainty, so first of all, I just want to share my love, support and words of encouragement. YOU GOT THIS. Chin up!

  1. Daily Affirmations/ Meditation, dude.  

    Wake up before the kids if you have to in order to get some quiet time drinking your coffee, do some yoga and/or meditation. Affirmations are positive guru-y shit that I like to draw, write down, or repeat to myself every day when negative thoughts creep in. Affirmations have helped people like Louise Hay, recover from cancer. They also changed my life and helped me recover from self- destructive behavior. Affirmations that I am holding near to my heart at this time, are “All is well In my world” and “In consciousness, I am always wealthy and prosperous.” Practice deep breathing. Inhale for a count of 5 slow seconds, hold it in 5 seconds, exhale out of the mouth for 5 seconds. Repeat 3x. Then say aloud, in your head or write on paper, your daily affirmation. Repeat at least 3x.

  2. Get outside, dude.

    We NEED vitamin D. Natural healthcare professionals recommend 10,000 IU VD to stay healthy and protect from virus’s. Go on a run/hike or walk around your neighborhood or nearby trail, or riverbed. Here in Texas, playgrounds are open at your own risk. So, do what you need to do to stay responsible, but don’t be afraid of going outside, either. Find a happy medium. Stay cautious.

  3. Cuddle and make some art, dude.

    Hug, Connect, Dance. Make Art. Seek all the usual (healthy) things that ease your worries. Self care is important but more important during times of such high anxiety/stress. Teaching your children that you need certain things to be happy, helps them to learn to practice the same as well. Creatively express yourself, everyday.

  4. Release that sh*t, dude.

    It’s okay to not be okay, too. So, accept your feelings. FEEL them, but don’t hold onto them or get stuck in those feelings. Let them go. Stay connected to your friends and family. Whoever is your support and makes you feel good, reach out to them. Check on everyone as well, and come together as a family to help someone who is less fortunate than you. Right now, there is this huge underlying fear of lack of recourses, and/or worse things, so this is again, where an affirmation can come in. “All is well in my world.” “I have everything I need.” SAY IT ALOUD. This world is abundant of recourses. We just need to believe that, feel it, and help others, instead of hoarding things out of fear. 

  5. Stay motivated, dude.

    Start a new project, document your own family, clean your house, whatever keeps you busy and off of social media will be helpful. Personally, I’m focusing on building my health and wellness community and I’m so excited. I’m also doing back end work, cutting expenses, blogging, updating my website, working on a 4 week educational course, and we cleaned out our entire house and re-arranged the furniture! So, that leaves little time for me to sulk and linger on social, which gives me anxiety. I’m here if you need anything!

Even though things are hard right now, and people are struggling, I do believe good will come out of this, and I hope this article provides some hope for you as well. Stay strong and cheers mama, because we all may need a little (okay maybe alot) of wine and dark chocolate.

Much love and be well,


Here are some more helpful recourses for support during this time with young children in the home!